While touring a Hobby Lobby last year with my girlfriend, gathering stuff for us both (including materials for the B'rett Custom Action Figure,) I stumbled upon this little pack of stickers. The resealable baggy is only 3.5" x <5", and the card sheets inside 8.2 square cm. There's 104 stickers on 8 of these sheets, meaning thirteen per page (not counting the extra die cut "TM and © DC Comics (s09)" ones on each page the responsible kids will apply to protect the publisher's intellectual property.)
There are only 26 different stickers alternating between two sheets, which are repeated in equal number. Most the stickers are less that two centimeters in any direction, a notable exception being the long tail on the Red Tornado. Each sticker embeds solids colors onto a glittery silver background. Nineteen of the stickers feature Batman in some capacity. Nine are of the Caped Crusader in solo action, one with the Batmobile, another with the Batplane.
Blue Beetle, Red Tornado and Plastic Man received a solo sticker each, while Aquaman and Green Arrow managed two. There are two Batman team-up stickers with each, although they're differently edited versions of the same art.
I don't know anything about sandyLion Stickers, but they did a nifty job on these little guys. I have yet to watch the TV series, but everything I've heard and seen makes it seem right up my alley. I've been meaning to post these stickers for some months, and was finally inspired to get on it by the Irredeemable Shag of Once Upon a Geek, who offered me scans of some temporary tattoos related to the series. They're great, and I recommend you set to the clicking action on the following links to check 'em out. The first is Shag's main article, which features all of the tats. The others are character spotlight posts facilitated by our friend...
Firestorm & Company Temporary Tattoos @Firestorm Fan
The Atom (Ryan Choi) @Power of the Atom
Despero @The Idol-Head of Diabolu
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