Ralph Dibny was fascinated by contortionists as a kid, and found that one thing they all seemed to have in common was an addiction to the soft drink Gingold. Why, it would take quite a detective to put that together, based on a fixation with pliability. Could this convergence possibly lead to Ralph's isolating the active ingredient in Gingold, dosing up on the stuff regular, and enhancing his performance to become a second rate Plastic Man? Indeed!
Unlike Eel O'Brien, Ralph was only thought to be a crook when he made his debut as the Elongated Man, making fast friends with the Flash. I guess he lacked that certain something though, because he wasn't offered more than a back-up series, and it took years to land a spot on the Justice League. In the meantime, Ralph gained fame enough to attract the attention of a delightful heiress, and his marriage to Sue Dibny was about the most original and noteworthy thing about him.
From second banana to background team player, Elongated Man rode his association with the Justice League until their first volume was canceled. Even with the slim pickings available, Justice League International still left Ralph on the shelf for two years, until they needed to staff a spin-off team. Once they burned the engine up on that one, Elongated Man was retired until such a time as he and his wife could be used to fuel the tragedy in a crossover, and they were both permanently laid to rest.
Solo Blog
Ralph Dibny, the World-Famous Elongated Man
Ductile Detective
Who's Who Vol.VII: The Elongated Man (9/85)
The Top 10 Elongated Man Covers
Ralph Dibny Can't Keep It Together (Identity Crisis #1, 2004)
22,300 Miles above the Earth
Justice League of America #133-134 (8-9/76)
Justice League of America #221-223 (12/93-2/84)
Blue Devil #4, #5 (10/84)
"Oh, NO! Lake Michigan!"
Justice League of America Annual #2 (1984)
The New Teen Titans #4 (1/85)
Justice League of America #233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238,239, #241, #242, #243
JLA Classified #23 (Late July, 2006)
JLA: Incarnations #5 (11/2001): 1st Story, 3rd Story
Infinity Inc. #19 (10/85)
Justice League of America #244 (11/85)
Justice League of America Annual #3 (1985)
Justice League of America #246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 252, 253, 254, 255, 257
Legends #1 (11/86), #2
Justice League of America #258 (1/87)
Legends #3-6 (1-4/87)
Justice League Spectacular #1 (1992)
Identity Crisis
The Flash #208-209 (May-June ’04)
Identity Crisis #1 (8/04), #2-5 (Sep-Dec. 2004), #6, #7
JLA#115, #116
Batman and the Outsiders #1-5 (December 2007-May 2008)
Green Lantern #43 (Early September 2009)
Blackest Night #1, #2, #3
Detroit League in JLA/Avengers (2003)
Justice #5, #6, #8
Signed Glossies
- 1986 DC Comics "Legends" Promotional Ad by John Byrne
- 1984 DC Sampler #2 by Chuck Patton
- 1998 George Pérez & Alex Ross Painted Crisis On Infinite Earths Hardcover Art
- "Infinitely Heroic" Giclee by Alex Ross
- 2007 Green Lantern vs. Elongated Man by Steve Rude
One Word: Plastics
- 1970s Detroit League 7-11 Slurpee Cups
- 1984 The Elongated Man Postcard by George Pérez
- 1989 Mayfair Games DC Heroes Elongated Man Character Card Front
- 1991-92 Impel DC Cosmic Cards #47- Elongated Man
- 1993 Skybox DC Cosmic Teams Justice League International Team Triptych Cards
- 2007 Upper Deck VS System DC Comics Legends Elongated Man Card (DCL-011)
- Ryan Schrodt's Custom Ralph and Sue Dibney Wedding Centerpieces
- Elongated Man Custom Total Justice/JLA Action Figures
- Comic Book Movie Casts the ENTIRE 108 Members of the Justice League!
- 2009 Black Lantern Ralph Dibny (Elongated Man) Custom Action Figure by StEvOtoys
- Colección Super Amigos: Liga de la Justicia de Detroit
- Colección Super Amigos: Zatanna & other Liga de la Justicia de Detroit Mini-Comics
- Justice League Detroit in upcoming “Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths” DVD
- 2010 Justice League of America #217 Twin Pocket Folder and Notebook Style #3009DC
Hi, I was wondering if you were interested in crossing links.
I have Ralph Dibny article at my site, www.pop-cult.net (http://www.pop-cult.net/Wikitainment/index.php/Elongated_Man) and a blog that is all about him at http://ralphdibnytheworld-famouselongatedman.blogspot.com/
So far, my blog has 3 posts about the fist 3 Elongated man stories and how they defined Ralph's lifestyle on and off panel (they require a lot of reading between the lines). I could make a brief post recommending your blog (and other related sites if you have them) in my blog and vice versa. It would be a great mutual aid to increase our traffic.
Glad you liked the headshot I put together for DC Bloodlines. The blog looks good, and I've set you up with links in the sidebar, on the Elongated Man index, at my other blogs, and in a spotlight post.
Wow, you work fast! I'll have some links to your site by tonight. Thank you.
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