Wednesday, April 18, 2012

2010 "Ladies of DC - The Vixen" art by Taylor Cordingley

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Taylor Cordingley loves the super-ladies, and has previously paid tribute to the Lady Fox with 2010's "Vixen On The Prowl". Here, he offers a concise "Who's Who style entry for our favorite Detroit heroine...
They're fun, they're sassy and they all seem to have a mean right hook. For years, DC Comics has consistently created amazing female superheroes. I'd like to pay tribute to these amazing women of the DC Universe with one of my patented pin-up series -- Ladies of DC! Ninth in this series is the vivacious Vixen!

Real Name: Mari Jiwe McCabe
First Appearance: Action Comics #521
Abilities: Mimics the abilities of any animal

Vixen is one of those characters floating around the DCU who just happens to be immensely intriguing and entirely amazing. As a former fashion model, Mari is a beautiful African woman whose power allows her to copy the abilities of any animal. As if that's not enough to make me like her, she's got a sassy personality to match the cool powers! On top of that, she's also been a member of the Justice League and is always willing to help out Oracle and the Birds of Prey should they need her help. I loved Mari in the JLU cartoon and I love her in the comics. I really hope they push her more to the forefront as time goes on.

Ladies of DC

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