Sue Dibny gently held her husband's arm and hand as Ralph placed a call to a mutual friend. "Look, Iris, it's me, okay? I know I'm just a JLA second-stringer and I'm lucky when I get called to tutor the Teen Titans. But I'm feeling kind of like an outsider here. Where's Barry?" The Flash had been missing for hours, and none of the rest of the League was returning the Elongated Man's calls. "Well, Batman never answers my calls, but..." Ralph had at least placed calls through to Rex and Zatanna...
Aquaman lay still and bloodied on an operating table. Lex Luthor wondered if he was dead, like most of the rest of the Justice League. "Does it matter," answered Brainiac. The Coluan knew Luthor was plotting against him, and said so, but everyone still had their roles to play. Brainiac had a handful of black marble "cities" whose time would soon come...
The Batman had his cave invaded by Captain Marvel and Superman, and when he protested, was decked and tied up with his butler. There were, of course, extenuating circumstances...
Ralph was always a realist, but I can't see the guy being quite that self-deprecating. A bit too much humor in a serious situation, as well. Painted pretty, though.
"Chapter Five" was plotted and painted by Alex Ross. The script was provided by Jim Krueger, and the penciled layouts by Doug Braithwaite.
Continue the story through these character-specific posts:
- Martian Manhunter at The Idol-Head of Diabolu
- Ray Palmer with Carter & Shiera Hall at Power of the Atom
- Wonder Woman versus the Cheetah at Diana Prince
- Captain Marvel, Superman, Green Lantern, Black Canary & Green Arrow at DC Bloodlines
True. That scene was out of character. During most of the silver age Ralph always kept a laid back yet very assertive and positive attitude with a mentality of abundance. We have to keep in mind that this is the man who stole Flash's thunder when he started in Central City.
Duly noted!
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