I don't know why the Mayfair illustrators were inspired to give the Detroit League the extra effort to look so nice, but I'm happy they delivered such a noble Vixen image (even with those booties.) It's a shame she was robbed on strength and Animal Mimicry, a power she schooled Animal Man in using, and he got a 13. Buddy became more powerful, but this was still '89, y'know? The 8 in Dexterity is good though, and the Martial Artist helps. There's plenty here to work with, is what I'm saying, and Mari deserves every bit of it.

Belated thanks to Tom Hartley, whose offering of a batch of about 30 character card scans was the taste I needed to seek more. He then sold his box set for a very reasonable price to a poor student to facilitate this crossover, because I just had to scan them all for myself.
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