Sunday, September 19, 2010

2010 Zatanna Cosplay (Blue & White) by DJ Spider

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I saw Before Sunrise on cable around 1996, loved it, then completely forgot it existed until I started seeing mention of the arrival of its sequel, Before Sunset, in 2004. They're both favorite movies of mine, but for whatever reason, I had this stroke of selective amnesia for six years or so. Similar issues had me completely forget that reader DJ Spider had sent me an email with pictures of herself not only dressed as Zatanna, but in my favorite and too little seen costume of hers, the blue & white "bug" suit. I don't know why the costume player community shows so little love for the George Pérez design used for most of the '80s, especially when you compare it to the boring unitard she had worn for her first two years as a member of the League. I suspect it's because of unfavorable comparisons to the Scarlet Witch, but to my mind, Wanda could never compete with our Zee in the glam department.

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Zatanna in the Detroit Bunker?

From the model herself:
"I didn't want to comment on your blog as this is more costuming than the art you post, but I have to agree about Zatanna's blue and white outfit over the top-hat-n-tails look. As I never see it done, I took it upon myself to change that and finished my version of her costume in time for HeroesCon 2010"

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Head Shot

I think DJ did an outstanding job on the suit, and she's got the build to make it rock, which is always appreciated. Even taking the heels into account, she seems heroically tall, convincingly towering over male cosplayers as Big Barda, as well as a decidedly '80s flavored collection of heroines and femme fatales. The colors are wonderfully vibrant, and everything look authentic. I know it's a totally random Wanda-esque accessory, but I wish someone could work the red "bug" hairpiece back into the design in some fashion. That amulet is pretty sharp, too.

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"Zatanna" DJ Spider & George Pérez

I believe this one was taken at Dragon*Con 2010, with Zatanna posing next to her suit's designer, none other than master illustrator George Pérez. DJ says, "Your Perez blue and white, with the man himself... That was taken my George's wife, and is from his Fan Page on Facebook. I was so jittery about it, I totally forgot I had a camera, too!"

"The most fun was being part of the annual Art Auction, where the gals went with a Zatanna theme to show off the art on the floor, and I was the odd duck :)"

I've grown to hate and avoid social networking (IM, MySpace, Twitter,) but I finally opened a Facebook account to follow DJ Spider's invite to check out some of her pictures there. All of the Zatannas below were identified by name, but I'm not sure who is inclined to keep that information off a big dumb comic book blog like mine. However, to the far left of DJ is Valerie Perez, an actress and frequent cosplayer with IMDb and public MySpace page, so I figure she's happy to have the publicity. Again, I'm fine with the top hat & tails look, and I know it's the original look, but doesn't that blue & white grab you by the eyeballs?

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Full Body

In this picture, "Zee" was actually standing in a dark room with Hawkeye, Mockingbird, Truth/Black Captain America, Lady Blackhawk, and Green Lantern Hal Jordan. Some editing later, it's just Ms. Zatara, a maroon wall, and an outlet cover.

"Anyways, I wanted to let you know there were other fans of the Blue Sorceress version of her costume, and I enjoy reading your blog.


Thank you, Spider! These are some swell pictures, and you did a marvelous job on that costume!


Unknown said...

awesome pictures...loved the post!

rob! said...

You have to admire someone who A)makes a costume that good and precise, and B)takes a different tack--everyone does the whole fishnets-and-top hat bit, but who else has ever done the blue and white costume???

And btw, Before Sunrise is my favorite movie of all time.

Diabolu Frank said...

Good Lord! I've gotten more hits for this post in a day and a half than any single post on this blog ever, by a mile! Thanks again, DJ!

Anonymous said...

DJSpider, It's remarkable work you have done for that Zatanna outfit. I wonder if you realy like the character or just like dress costplay, becouse you have total determination bringing that character & her costume into life. Are you satisfy with the result or still looking for improvement, maybe I can help you finalize the detail. If you interest email me at
Keep your goodwork.

Cosplay said...

Nice post with colorful pictures.Today's world is growing very rapidly. Everyone wants to look good.In this case cosplay outfit has a perfect balance between the lace and the open gives you personal has a wide variety of costumes. Cosplay Costume is one of top sellers this season.

Rob Swanson said...

Always hated this costume in the funny books, but it looks really good here. Helps to have an attractive model.

Aliera said...

She indeed puts an efort in her cosplay suit!
Also, her looks help in bringing a Zatanna to life.