Since Vibe has probably made the fewest appearances, and gotten the least love on this blog (not by accident, I assure you,) I figured to start with the world's greatest Puerto Rican breakdancing former gangbanging super-hero, as far as I know...
5) Justice League of America #243 (October, 1985)

This was the official "death" spot, as there isn't really five good Vibe covers, and those that come closest feature him as one of the undead. I decided that would be unfair to his fans, so I instead went with the debut of his least embarrassing costume, which looks almost decent here.
4) Justice League of America #258 (January, 1987)

There are a number of Detroit-era covers featuring Vibe in a decent action pose, but never as front-and-center as here. Further, this was the start of the final arc for Vibe's team, and the issue of his well-executed demise.
3) JLA: Classified #23 (July, 2006)

If you wanted to sum up Vibe's better attributes in a single cover, this would be the one. I dig Vibe's confidence and the attempt to redeem his period style here, but the lack of a full figure hurts it.
2) Justice League Unlimited #15 (January, 2006)

While uncharacteristically concerned for such a cocky guy, this is this one of the most dynamic Vibe images I've seen, and makes excellent use of the pop-locker's simple second costume.
1) Justice League of America #233 (December, 1984)

Vibe's second appearance, and about the closest he's come to a starring role in a comic (outside the one he died in.) Also, a showcase for the good and mostly bad in Vibe as a total character.
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