The next time The Irredeemable Shag takes over 600 cosplay pictures at probably the biggest con south of the Mason-Dixon, somebody please remind me what a total pain in the ass they are to sort through. Detroit was reasonably well represented by the usual suspects this year. All the Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, and Batman pictures can be found at their respective blogs. No Steel or Gypsy noted. I held out some hope for Vibe, as the guy got his own cartoon (under 5 minute division, admittedly) but no bueno. The Vixen cosplayer above stalked through dozens of group shots, but this was her only solo pic, although you can also see her tangle with a Red Lantern.

I think that this was the first African-American Zatanna I've seen, which was a nice change of pace. As usual with conventions, there were far too many Zatannas in Atlanta for me to spotlight all, or even most, of them. I have this kind of quirky/kind of rude thing I do when I'm going through a cosplay gallery. Whenever I come across a pack of Zatannas, I dub them "DeZees" (as in "disease," or "the zzz") Ladies, I'm sorry, but there are simply too many Mistresses of Magic running around in top hat and tails. Zee just lost a solo series where she wore a costume I haven't really seen in the wild. The New 52 look pretty much started during Flashpoint over a year ago, so I should be seeing that somewhere. A hipster on a budget could probably pull together Come Together fashion. The slightly more kinky classic look from the Seven Soldiers mini-series would be nice. The criminally underrepresented blue & white costume is certainly an option. Wear the baggy old Sindella suit if you're shy, or the silly Tom Artis "vampire" suit from that one issue of Secret Origins. Expand your horizons. Anyway, here's a trio of Zees that happened to be in one shot. I counted at least eight just in Shag's gallery.
Click To Enlarge & Expand

John Zatara set up a house at Hogwarts? Who knew?
As always, a big thanks to Shag for his photographic efforts and his generosity in sharing them. Additional gratitude to Superhero Costuming Forum for setting up these photo shoots every year. And now, the link roll...
Dragon*Con 2012 Cosplay Galleries by Shag Matthews
- DC Cosplay Obscura @ DC Bloodlines
- Aquaman @ The Aquaman Shrine
- The Atom @ Power of the Atom
- Black Canary @ Girls Gone Geek
- Booster Gold @ BOO$TERRIFIC
- Doctor Fate @ Tower of Fate
- Doom Patrol @ My Greatest Adventure #80
- Firestorm the Nuclear Man @ Firestorm Fan
- The Flash @ Speed Force
- Hawkman & Hawkgirl @ Being Carter Hall
- Martian Manhunter @ The Idol-Head of Diabolu
- The Vixen and Zatanna @ Justice League Detroit
- Wonder Woman @ Diana Prince
I think that Vixen costume is among the best real life interpretations of a comic book character I've ever seen. I'm so please that the character still has fans after how poorly she was treated in recent pages of JLI.
I know this is late but I wanted you to know I really did appreciate that you took the time and wrote this article about me I am the Vixen in your picture. I found it very humbling that someone noticed me thank you very much again. I do want to apologize for it being so late.
I'm the one who's super late in approving your comment and responding. I've neglected my blogs lately in favor of podcasting elsewhere, but I want to say you were a great Vixen, and thank you for the fun cosplay! Glad you enjoyed the photo spotlight!
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