Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Ralph Dibny, the World-Famous Elongated Man

By golly, who'd have thought slapping a logo at the bottom of a picture from off the DC Comics site would get such mileage as to end up on Bleeding Cool, who got it from Rafa Rivas' fan blog Ralph Dibny, the World-Famous Elongated Man. Created back in March, Rivas does an excellent job covering Stretchable Sleuth story synopses, artwork, merchandise, and whatever randomness sets his nose twitching. You've gotta love the sweet banner and character-specific color scheme! I've slowly been reading my way up from the beginning, and wanted to off a linkpost to help Detroit fans sample the wares. Enjoy!


Rafa Rivas said...

"and whatever randomness sets his nose twitching"? You're a poet, hahaha. You should try writing fiction.

And you'd also make a better detective than me. Even though it is obvious, Bleeding Cool got the tip from my blog. I only thought they got it directly from Pendragon because I missed the pic you made. That being said, how cool is that? My post barely has a 100 visits, but it was spotted by a guy that made it the hottest topic of Bleeding Cool this weekend (granted, it was a slow one, but still). I contributed to get EM some spotlight! hahaha.

This post is awesome, I've been getting a lot of visits from your urls. Wait a min, I'll make a meta reference to it in the Embargo post, jajaja.

Rafa Rivas said...

I mean, hahaha.

Diabolu Frank said...

I hope so. You've been putting in a lot of quality work, so the word deserves to get out!

I dig Bleeding Cool, but they're not the most ethical about citing sources or respecting "exclusives." Of course, that sort of one stop shopping is exactly why I go there...

Rafa Rivas said...

I have to admit, they get results. After all, they were the source that revealed that DC was dumping the post-Crisis continuity. In this case, they were pretty fast and they got Toy Guru's attention. I'm really glad they made news out of the E.M.bargo. (However, I already went there to do some petty attention grabbing, haha).