Monday, January 31, 2011

2010 Aquaman Custom Stuffed Hero by Kayelyn of K-n-B-creations

Click To Enlarge

Aquaman looks naked without his gloves. Like creepy old man without a shirt on naked. Lady, give him gloves or nipples, because you're at a delicate crossroad here.

You are also at a crossroad. Do you take a gander at the so-clothed-he's-never-naked Custom Firestorm Plush Shag has posted, or do you check to see if Plush J'Onn J'Onzz has felt spearmint drawer knobs? They'll pop up in separate discrete windows for your viewing pleasure.


kmkeithley said...

Hi there. I made this doll. And i just wanted to say that it is hard to sew gloves on these guys. I'm very happy with how he came out. This is one of my older dolls. the newer version looks much better. thanks for featuring me on your site.

Diabolu Frank said...

Just teasing. Better no gloves than no hand.