Tuesday, December 18, 2012

2012 “KING OF 7 SEAS - Aquaman” reimagined by Pablo Alcalde Fernández

Click To Enlarge

"The father of the hybrid Arthur Curry, horrified by the appearance of his son at birth and blaming him for the death of his atlantean lover, abandoned him at sea, to be later rescued by the Atlanteans, eventually becaming King of Atlantis and King of the Seven Seas."
Interesting reworking of a classic, even if he does look like a goldfish.

Pablo Alcalde Fernández

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

2010 Elongated Man art by Craig C. Cermak II

Click To Enlarge

"Done for my friend, Ramon, who was working on a Flash mock-up cover. We both thought it'd be cool to have the co-feature on there with the Elongated Man (like it should be!!!)"
See the pencil art here.

Craig C. Cermak II